How to enlarge the penis? This problem worries many people. Penis enlargement is real, but it is worth understanding the complexity of this process before choosing a method to enlarge male organs. Of course, increasing the penis requires stamina, time, and financial investment, but the result obtained at the exit will be the return of all the work and effort to solve the intimacy problem. Today, we will find answers to common questions about penis enlargement.
Ligamentotomy-the fastest way to enlarge the penis?
No surgical intervention involving cutting off the supporting ligament of the penis is not limited to one operation. In front of this person is a long-term rehabilitation process, which includes wearing a filler. Its pulling action will consolidate the effects obtained due to surgery. The supplement must be worn for several months a day, for about 4-6 hours a day. If you refuse to use it, the surgeon’s quality of work will decrease due to the increased possibility of the penis moving backward. Therefore, men not only stopped because of the cost of penis enlargement surgery, but also because of the length of the recovery period.
Can gel or cream be used to enlarge the penis?
If we are talking about the original method of penis enlargement, it will undoubtedly have an effect in the form of lengthening and thickening. The effect of this gel and cream is based on the ability of the corpus cavernosum to increase its volume while it is full of blood. Natural aphrodisiac is a part of it and helps increase blood flow to the genitals. The additional component has a stimulating effect on the wall of the sponge, which leads to an increase in its elasticity. At the same time, the blood microcirculation in the penis tissue is improved. Another advantage of such funds is that they show a cumulative effect when using courses. Before buying creams or gels for penis enlargement, you should be familiar with their ingredients.
Is it realistic to increase the penis in one month?
Of course, the effect of applying penis enlargement and enlargement techniques can be great, but it all depends on the method chosen. Undoubtedly, it largely depends on the regularity of training. For example, as people say, Yaqing can make you successful, but it will not achieve positive results soon. The combination of multiple methods will speed up the process. Massage techniques can be practiced by moistening the skin of the penis with a special stimulation gel, which will create a good environment for the growth of penile tissues.
Among the new products that have recently conquered the market, it is worth highlighting the penis enlargement training device. It comes with a special gel. The well-thought-out design can produce a positive smoothing effect on the penis tissue, and only a few exercises can get the first results. Men who bought this massager for penis growth noticed that in just one month, they managed to obtain high-quality penis lengthening and thickening, which can be observed during erection.
Does the vacuum pump really enlarge the penis?
The vacuum enlarger will affect the parameters of the penis, but the effect is short-lived. Therefore, they are most often used before sexual intercourse to surprise partners with strong and long-lasting erections. Frequent use of the vacuum pump in the future will affect the size of the penis, but frequent use of the low-pressure area will be full of subcutaneous bleeding and the appearance of other minor traumas, which will cause pain during intercourse.
Do traditional methods really work?
On the Internet, you can find various ways to enlarge your penis, including homemade mixtures and ointments made with baking soda, honey and other methods. Using this type of home remedy can achieve short-term results. At the same time, there is a high risk of serious harm to yourself, including the risk of burning the sensitive skin of the penis. In order to obtain enhanced effects, it is still worthwhile to give preference to ready-made products made on a natural basis.
Is it safe to hang members?
When the weight of the cargo can reach 4-5 kg, it is difficult to talk about any safety here. Of course, men have gradually become so large. This requires weeks or even months of training. In this case, it is worth considering the consequences of expanding the penis with weights. Usually, men do not calculate their own abilities, which can lead to sad consequences such as injury, erection failure, etc. A weighted penis can indeed make the penis longer both at rest and erection, but the price of this increase is too high.
may enlarge the penis. In this case, it is important to provide the necessary stimulation to the penile tissue and create a good environment for further growth. Undoubtedly, this process cannot be called fast, but modern penis enlargement tools can prove the initial results within the first week.